Since the development of TOPSE we regularly receive enquiries from academic researchers and practitioners wishing to use the tool to evaluate their parenting interventions.

The accessible version of TOPSE has been developed and is available for practitioners and researchers working with parents with learning disabilities during the prenatal period, parents to be. It was developed as part of a wider project at the University of Surrey, UK, The Together Project, that brings together academics, practitioners and parents with learning disabilities to co-produce resources for parents during pregnancy:

We are always happy to provide TOPSE tools on the proviso that no changes are made to either the style or content of the tool. We ask that all logos and references to the University of Kent and University of Surrey are retained. We request that full acknowledgment is given in any published findings.

We are unable to provide printed quantities of TOPSE booklets but we make no charge for providing the pdf, which enables you to print your own copies. Coding instructions for scoring are also available.

Guidance for the Accessible version of TOPSE for parents to be

For further information about the accessible version TOPSE for parents to be please contact:

Dr Anna Cox, University of Surrey


For general TOPSE enquiries please contact

Prof Sally Kendall


A copy of the pdf may be downloaded after completing the registration form

TOPSE Registration


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